Arbutus menziesii
The Journal of Naturopathic Medicine
This journal was published by the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians from 1990 to 2000. Since this was before the electronic era, the information in this small journal is trapped on paper. Here, it is finally released into the digital world, so that the useful information from its pages (including many studies and reviews of various herbal medicines) can be more widely known, appreciated, and put to use. This documents that several areas of interest now receiving wide attention in the mainstream (such as use of ketogenic diets and lectins as a cause of disease) had some of their earliest publication in this journal. There are some gaps which will hopefully be filled in over time.
ISSN 1047-7837
ISSN 1047-7837
Volume 1, 1990
Effect of colon irrigation on serum electrolytes by Collins JG, Mittman P (pg 4–9)
Inhibition of endocrine function by botanical agents. I. Boraginaceae and Labiatae by Brinker F (pg 10–18)
Anorectic and mood-altering effects of ketosis and ketogenic diets by Aesoph L (pg 19–24)
Effects of nutrition on the induction, prevention and management of neoplasia by Kail K (pg 25–35)
Possible alteration of ABO blood group observed in non-Hodgkin's lymphoma by D'Adamo P (pg 39–43)
Frequency of API 20C profile numbers in stool specimens submitted for isolation and characterization of Candida albicans by Kilbourn JP (pg 44–46)
Clinical roundtable: A case of alcoholic cirrhosis by Anonymous (pg 50–54)
Clinical analysis: Thyroid function testing: Dealing with interpretation difficulties by Kruzel T (pg 55–61)
Clinical application: Medicago sativa extracts by Reilly P (62–65)
Clinical review: Complementary medical research by Anonymous (pg 66–67)
Clinical technique: A simple, inexpensive test to assess neutrophil activity via a myeloperoxidase-mediated candicidal index by D'Adamo Peter (pg 68–71)
Inhibition of endocrine function by botanical agents. I. Boraginaceae and Labiatae by Brinker F (pg 10–18)
Anorectic and mood-altering effects of ketosis and ketogenic diets by Aesoph L (pg 19–24)
Effects of nutrition on the induction, prevention and management of neoplasia by Kail K (pg 25–35)
Possible alteration of ABO blood group observed in non-Hodgkin's lymphoma by D'Adamo P (pg 39–43)
Frequency of API 20C profile numbers in stool specimens submitted for isolation and characterization of Candida albicans by Kilbourn JP (pg 44–46)
Clinical roundtable: A case of alcoholic cirrhosis by Anonymous (pg 50–54)
Clinical analysis: Thyroid function testing: Dealing with interpretation difficulties by Kruzel T (pg 55–61)
Clinical application: Medicago sativa extracts by Reilly P (62–65)
Clinical review: Complementary medical research by Anonymous (pg 66–67)
Clinical technique: A simple, inexpensive test to assess neutrophil activity via a myeloperoxidase-mediated candicidal index by D'Adamo Peter (pg 68–71)
Volume 2, 1991
Consecutive case study research of carcinoma in situ of cervix employing local escharotic treatment combined with nutritional therapy by Hudson TS (pg 6–10)
Does ABO "bias" in natural immunity imply an innate difference in T-cell response? by D'Adamo PJ, Zampieron ER (pg 11–17)
Inhibition of endocrine function by botanical agents. II. Cruciferae by Brinker F (pg 18–32)
Intestinal candidiasis, L. acidophilus supplementation and Crook's questionnaire by Blair DM, Hangee-Bauer CS, Calabrese C (pg 33–36)
Effect of auriculotherapy on smoking cessation by Orman DJ, Margeti D (pg 41–42)
Mixed modality outcomes study of adult and pediatric asthma by Rodriguez Malavé E (pg 43–44)
Effectiveness of cranberry juice in preventing urinay tract infection in long term care facility patients by Gibson L, Pike L, Kilborn JP (pg 45–46)
Promising phytomedicinals by Duke JA (pg 48–52)
Changing face of naturopathic medicine in Australia by Hunter A (pg 53–55)
Clinical roundtable: Focal seizures of the temporal lobe by Kane E (pg 56–60)
Clinical review: The Eclectic Dispensatory: A neo-Eclectic revival of herbal medicine by Bennett P (pg 61–62)
Clinical application: Autotherapy, autogenous and autologous vaccines by Scher B (pg 63–66)
Clinical technique: Direct and indirect antiglobulin techniques by D'Adamo P (pg 67–71)
Does ABO "bias" in natural immunity imply an innate difference in T-cell response? by D'Adamo PJ, Zampieron ER (pg 11–17)
Inhibition of endocrine function by botanical agents. II. Cruciferae by Brinker F (pg 18–32)
Intestinal candidiasis, L. acidophilus supplementation and Crook's questionnaire by Blair DM, Hangee-Bauer CS, Calabrese C (pg 33–36)
Effect of auriculotherapy on smoking cessation by Orman DJ, Margeti D (pg 41–42)
Mixed modality outcomes study of adult and pediatric asthma by Rodriguez Malavé E (pg 43–44)
Effectiveness of cranberry juice in preventing urinay tract infection in long term care facility patients by Gibson L, Pike L, Kilborn JP (pg 45–46)
Promising phytomedicinals by Duke JA (pg 48–52)
Changing face of naturopathic medicine in Australia by Hunter A (pg 53–55)
Clinical roundtable: Focal seizures of the temporal lobe by Kane E (pg 56–60)
Clinical review: The Eclectic Dispensatory: A neo-Eclectic revival of herbal medicine by Bennett P (pg 61–62)
Clinical application: Autotherapy, autogenous and autologous vaccines by Scher B (pg 63–66)
Clinical technique: Direct and indirect antiglobulin techniques by D'Adamo P (pg 67–71)
Volume 3, 1992
Focus on HIV
Escharotic treatment for cervical dysplasia and carcinoma. Letter by Hudson T (pg 23)
Chelidonium and Sanguinaria alkaloids as anti-HIV therapy by D'Adamo P (pg 31–34_
One year open trial of naturopathic treatment of HIV infection class IV-A in men by Standish L, Guiltinan J, McMahon E, Lindstrom C (pg 42–64)
Preliminary report on the use of Momordica charantia extract by HIV patients by Zhang QC (pg 65–69)
Botanical review. Chelidonium majus by Brinker F (pg 93)
Hypericum perforatum (St. John's wort)—a medicinal herb used in antiquity and still of interest today by Hahn G (pg 94–96)
Escharotic treatment for cervical dysplasia and carcinoma. Letter by Hudson T (pg 23)
Chelidonium and Sanguinaria alkaloids as anti-HIV therapy by D'Adamo P (pg 31–34_
One year open trial of naturopathic treatment of HIV infection class IV-A in men by Standish L, Guiltinan J, McMahon E, Lindstrom C (pg 42–64)
Preliminary report on the use of Momordica charantia extract by HIV patients by Zhang QC (pg 65–69)
Botanical review. Chelidonium majus by Brinker F (pg 93)
Hypericum perforatum (St. John's wort)—a medicinal herb used in antiquity and still of interest today by Hahn G (pg 94–96)
Volume 4, 1993
Editor-in-chief: Peter D'Adamo, ND
Effects of glycyrrhizin (SNMC: Stronger Neo-Minophagen C®) in hemophilia patients with HIV-1 infection by Mori K, Sakai H, Suzuki S, Akutsu Y, Ishikawa M, Tada K, Aihara M, Sawada Y, Yokoyama M, Sato Y, et al. (pg 2–9)
Antitumor activity of orally administered "D-fraction" from maitake mushroom (Grifola frondosa) by Nanba H (pg 10–15)
Research review. Bitter melon (Momordica charantica) by Cunnick J, Takemoto D (pg 16–21)
API 20C profile numbers for Candida albicans by Kilbourn JP (pg 22)
Combination naturopathic therapy in primary biliary cirrhosis by D'Adamo P (pg 24–25)
Obituary. EG Samuel DC, ND (1922–1992) by Walker D (pg 28)
Mini review. A Textbook of Natural Medicine update 3.4 by Joseph Pizzorno and Michael Murray by Kane E (pg 28) (in same file as obituary pg 28 above)
Book review. Thorsons Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Homeopathy by Harald Gaier by ? (pg 28–29) (in same file as obituary pg 28 above)
Effects of glycyrrhizin (SNMC: Stronger Neo-Minophagen C®) in hemophilia patients with HIV-1 infection by Mori K, Sakai H, Suzuki S, Akutsu Y, Ishikawa M, Tada K, Aihara M, Sawada Y, Yokoyama M, Sato Y, et al. (pg 2–9)
Antitumor activity of orally administered "D-fraction" from maitake mushroom (Grifola frondosa) by Nanba H (pg 10–15)
Research review. Bitter melon (Momordica charantica) by Cunnick J, Takemoto D (pg 16–21)
API 20C profile numbers for Candida albicans by Kilbourn JP (pg 22)
Combination naturopathic therapy in primary biliary cirrhosis by D'Adamo P (pg 24–25)
Obituary. EG Samuel DC, ND (1922–1992) by Walker D (pg 28)
Mini review. A Textbook of Natural Medicine update 3.4 by Joseph Pizzorno and Michael Murray by Kane E (pg 28) (in same file as obituary pg 28 above)
Book review. Thorsons Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Homeopathy by Harald Gaier by ? (pg 28–29) (in same file as obituary pg 28 above)
Volume 5, 1994–1995
Volume 6, 1996
Focus on Cancer
Moving from anecdote to evidence in alternative cancer treatment by Calabrese C (pg 4)
Chinese medical treatment of brain tumor by Dharmananda S (pg 5–8)
The Hoxey treatment: cancer quackery or effective physiological adjuvant? by Brinker F (pg 19–23)
Alternative pharmacological and biological treatments for cancer: Ten promising approaches by Moss R (pg 23–32)
Larch arabinogalactan by D'Adamo P (pg 33–37)
Natural products drug discovery and development at the United States National Cancer Institute by Cragg G (pg 38–41)
A novel treatment of post-mastectomy lymphedema by MacIntosh A (pg 42–43)
When is allopathic medicine useful in the treatment of invasive breast cancer? by Austin S (pg 44–48)
The role of follow-up and retrospective data analysis in alternative cancer management: The Gerson experience by Hildenbrand GL, GarHildenbrand LC, Bradford K, Rogers DE, Strauss CG, Calvin S (pg 49–56)
Cancer testing by Kruzel T (pg 57–62)
Complementary medicine: State of training and post-graduate education in Germany by Melchart D, Perkuhn K (pg 63–65)
Quantitative analysis of electrical skin conductance in diagnosis: historical and current views of bioelectric medicine by Brewitt B (pg 66–75)
Simon Baruch: Rebel in the ranks of medicine 1840–1921 by Yasgur J (pg 76–80)
Moving from anecdote to evidence in alternative cancer treatment by Calabrese C (pg 4)
Chinese medical treatment of brain tumor by Dharmananda S (pg 5–8)
The Hoxey treatment: cancer quackery or effective physiological adjuvant? by Brinker F (pg 19–23)
Alternative pharmacological and biological treatments for cancer: Ten promising approaches by Moss R (pg 23–32)
Larch arabinogalactan by D'Adamo P (pg 33–37)
Natural products drug discovery and development at the United States National Cancer Institute by Cragg G (pg 38–41)
A novel treatment of post-mastectomy lymphedema by MacIntosh A (pg 42–43)
When is allopathic medicine useful in the treatment of invasive breast cancer? by Austin S (pg 44–48)
The role of follow-up and retrospective data analysis in alternative cancer management: The Gerson experience by Hildenbrand GL, GarHildenbrand LC, Bradford K, Rogers DE, Strauss CG, Calvin S (pg 49–56)
Cancer testing by Kruzel T (pg 57–62)
Complementary medicine: State of training and post-graduate education in Germany by Melchart D, Perkuhn K (pg 63–65)
Quantitative analysis of electrical skin conductance in diagnosis: historical and current views of bioelectric medicine by Brewitt B (pg 66–75)
Simon Baruch: Rebel in the ranks of medicine 1840–1921 by Yasgur J (pg 76–80)
Volume 7, Number 1, 1997
Focus on Women's Health
A comparative review of Eclectic female regulators by Brinker F (pg 11–26)
Estrogen and progesterone: A review by Boice J (pg 35–41)
The vagina as an ecosystem by Burch E (pg 47–50)
Naturopathic treatment of ovarian cancer by Crouse LV (pg 51–56)
Angelica sinensis: A monograph by Noé J (pg 66–72)
Clinical and endocrinological effects of a menopausal botanical formula by Hudson TS, Standish L, Breed C, Bettenburg R, Dalen C, Noé J, O'donnell T, Dibble E (pg 73–77)
Dysglyecmia: A misunderstood functional illness by MacIntosh A (pg 78–83)
Immunomodulation through castor oil packs by Grady H (pg 84–89)
Naturopathic management of fibrocystic breast disease by Guiltinan J (pg 95–98)
Infertility due to luteal phase defects: Options in diagnosis and treatment with natural progesterone by Thomas J (pg 108–113)
The process of healing: A unifying theory of naturopathic medicine by Zeff J (pg 122–125)
A comparative review of Eclectic female regulators by Brinker F (pg 11–26)
Estrogen and progesterone: A review by Boice J (pg 35–41)
The vagina as an ecosystem by Burch E (pg 47–50)
Naturopathic treatment of ovarian cancer by Crouse LV (pg 51–56)
Angelica sinensis: A monograph by Noé J (pg 66–72)
Clinical and endocrinological effects of a menopausal botanical formula by Hudson TS, Standish L, Breed C, Bettenburg R, Dalen C, Noé J, O'donnell T, Dibble E (pg 73–77)
Dysglyecmia: A misunderstood functional illness by MacIntosh A (pg 78–83)
Immunomodulation through castor oil packs by Grady H (pg 84–89)
Naturopathic management of fibrocystic breast disease by Guiltinan J (pg 95–98)
Infertility due to luteal phase defects: Options in diagnosis and treatment with natural progesterone by Thomas J (pg 108–113)
The process of healing: A unifying theory of naturopathic medicine by Zeff J (pg 122–125)
Volume 7, Number 2, 1997
Interactions of pharmaceutical and botanical medicines by Brinker F (pg 14–20)
Results of a decade of naturopathic treatment for environmental illnesses: A review of clinical records by Crinnion W (pg 21–27)
Proposed guidelines for using botanicals during classical homeopathic case management by Heron S, Yarnell E (pg 34–42)
Using botanicals in tandem with classical homeopathy: Three cases by Heron S, Yarnell E (pg 43–49)
A case of a rare genetic disorder and its clinical responsiveness to naturopathic treatment by Wallace E (pg 50–55)
Benefits of integrating naturopathic medicine in the workplace: An introductory report by Baron RA, Campbell S (pg 56–60)
Visceral manipulation: Reviving a vanishing art by Small M (pg 67–71)
Constitutional hydrotherapy: From nature cure to advanced naturopathic medicine by Watrous L (pg 72–79)
Research in natural medicine (letter) by Calabrese C (pg 84–85)
Appendicitis (letter) by Mathieu B (pg 85–86)
Comments on last issue (letter) by Traub M (pg 86) (in same file as appendicitis pg 85–86 above)
Breast cancer by Wedam NF, Haynes A (pg 86–87) (in same file as appendicitis pg 85–86 above)
In the news: North Hawaii Community Hospital grants privileges to naturopathic physician by Traub M (pg 89)
The King County Natural Medicine Clinic—A preliminary report by Breed C (pg 90)
The South shall rise again—A natural medicine revival in North Carolina by DeLaney S (pg 92)
A report on the integrative holistic healing retreat—Moline, Illinois by Taylor P (pg 93)
Results of a decade of naturopathic treatment for environmental illnesses: A review of clinical records by Crinnion W (pg 21–27)
Proposed guidelines for using botanicals during classical homeopathic case management by Heron S, Yarnell E (pg 34–42)
Using botanicals in tandem with classical homeopathy: Three cases by Heron S, Yarnell E (pg 43–49)
A case of a rare genetic disorder and its clinical responsiveness to naturopathic treatment by Wallace E (pg 50–55)
Benefits of integrating naturopathic medicine in the workplace: An introductory report by Baron RA, Campbell S (pg 56–60)
Visceral manipulation: Reviving a vanishing art by Small M (pg 67–71)
Constitutional hydrotherapy: From nature cure to advanced naturopathic medicine by Watrous L (pg 72–79)
Research in natural medicine (letter) by Calabrese C (pg 84–85)
Appendicitis (letter) by Mathieu B (pg 85–86)
Comments on last issue (letter) by Traub M (pg 86) (in same file as appendicitis pg 85–86 above)
Breast cancer by Wedam NF, Haynes A (pg 86–87) (in same file as appendicitis pg 85–86 above)
In the news: North Hawaii Community Hospital grants privileges to naturopathic physician by Traub M (pg 89)
The King County Natural Medicine Clinic—A preliminary report by Breed C (pg 90)
The South shall rise again—A natural medicine revival in North Carolina by DeLaney S (pg 92)
A report on the integrative holistic healing retreat—Moline, Illinois by Taylor P (pg 93)
Volume 8, Number 1, 1998
A naturopathic approach to head injury by Reilly J (pg 17–20)
Chinese herbal protocols for treating pain by Gaeddert A (pg 21–25)
Hypericum and the brain by Yarnell E (pg 42–46)
Hyperbaric oxygen for treatment of stroke and traumatic brain injuries by Steenblock D (pg 61–67)
Alzheimer's disease: An overview for clinical practice by Lobay D (pg 77–84)
Diagnostic tests for brain structure and function by Hunter-Joems S (pg 85–86)
To the editor (letter) [dyslipidemia case] by Bourgon R (pg 87)
Mucopolysaccharidosis II—Hunter's syndrome (letter) by Haverty M (pg 87–88) (in same file as to the editor pg 87 above)
History column by Sporn S (pg 95–96)
Chinese herbal protocols for treating pain by Gaeddert A (pg 21–25)
Hypericum and the brain by Yarnell E (pg 42–46)
Hyperbaric oxygen for treatment of stroke and traumatic brain injuries by Steenblock D (pg 61–67)
Alzheimer's disease: An overview for clinical practice by Lobay D (pg 77–84)
Diagnostic tests for brain structure and function by Hunter-Joems S (pg 85–86)
To the editor (letter) [dyslipidemia case] by Bourgon R (pg 87)
Mucopolysaccharidosis II—Hunter's syndrome (letter) by Haverty M (pg 87–88) (in same file as to the editor pg 87 above)
History column by Sporn S (pg 95–96)
Volume 8, Number 2, 1998
Managing editor: Sheila Quinn
Crataegus for asthma: Case studies by Frances D (pg 20–24)
The role of lectins in the formation of disease and their potential use in treatment by Kruzel T (pg 25–34)
Naturopathic treatment of acute and chronic otitis media by Dahl I (pg 35–39)
The highs and lows of lithium therapy. Highlights from a presentation given at the AANP Convention August 1997 by Seligman T (pg 40–44)
The biochemistry and pathology of nicotine dependence by Patrick L (pg 45–48)
Helping the obstetrical client have a positive hospital birth by Delaney S (pg 53–58)
Vitamin K: A brief review of maternal and infant supplementation research by McClennon A (pg 59–61)
The cornerstones of naturopathic medicine by Zeff J (pg 62–65)
In the news: NIH and acupuncture by Dailey H (pg 73)
In the news: US Court of Appeals reinstates Washington state's "every category of provider" law by Meier J (pg 73–74) (in same file as to in the news pg 73 above)
In the news: The American Botanical Council published the German Commission E monographs in English by Anonymous (pg 74) (in same file as to in the news pg 73 above)
Crataegus for asthma: Case studies by Frances D (pg 20–24)
The role of lectins in the formation of disease and their potential use in treatment by Kruzel T (pg 25–34)
Naturopathic treatment of acute and chronic otitis media by Dahl I (pg 35–39)
The highs and lows of lithium therapy. Highlights from a presentation given at the AANP Convention August 1997 by Seligman T (pg 40–44)
The biochemistry and pathology of nicotine dependence by Patrick L (pg 45–48)
Helping the obstetrical client have a positive hospital birth by Delaney S (pg 53–58)
Vitamin K: A brief review of maternal and infant supplementation research by McClennon A (pg 59–61)
The cornerstones of naturopathic medicine by Zeff J (pg 62–65)
In the news: NIH and acupuncture by Dailey H (pg 73)
In the news: US Court of Appeals reinstates Washington state's "every category of provider" law by Meier J (pg 73–74) (in same file as to in the news pg 73 above)
In the news: The American Botanical Council published the German Commission E monographs in English by Anonymous (pg 74) (in same file as to in the news pg 73 above)
Volume 9, Number 1, 2000
No I don't know why or how 1999 got skipped.
Senior editor: Eric Yarnell, ND
Twenty years in naturopathy by Hobbs HR (pg 18–19)
Literature review on the top 10 CAM substances used by HIV-positive participants in the AMCOA study by Berger J, Reeves C, Greene, K, Standish L, Calabrese C (pg 20–31)
Retrospective analysis of the safety of bitter herbs with an emphasis on Artemisia absinthium L (wormwood) by Yarnell E, Heron S (pg 32–39)
Magnet therapy for the treatment of pain by Barton S, McClennon A (pg 40–45)
Hepatitis C part I: Pathogenesis and allopathic therapeutics by Jinnah K (pg 51–57)
Cornerstones of Naturopathic Medicine II: Primum Non Nocere by Zeff J (pg 58–61)
Waconda Springs—Lost legacy? by Brinker F (pg 62–64)
Tidbits from the Naturopath and Herald of Health by Sporn S (pg 65–66)
A day in the life by Girard-Couture C (pg 67–68)
List of books written by naturopathic doctors by Yarnell E (pg 71–72)
In the news: Update on integrated medicine at North Hawaii Community Hospital by Traub M (pg 75)
Senior editor: Eric Yarnell, ND
Twenty years in naturopathy by Hobbs HR (pg 18–19)
Literature review on the top 10 CAM substances used by HIV-positive participants in the AMCOA study by Berger J, Reeves C, Greene, K, Standish L, Calabrese C (pg 20–31)
Retrospective analysis of the safety of bitter herbs with an emphasis on Artemisia absinthium L (wormwood) by Yarnell E, Heron S (pg 32–39)
Magnet therapy for the treatment of pain by Barton S, McClennon A (pg 40–45)
Hepatitis C part I: Pathogenesis and allopathic therapeutics by Jinnah K (pg 51–57)
Cornerstones of Naturopathic Medicine II: Primum Non Nocere by Zeff J (pg 58–61)
Waconda Springs—Lost legacy? by Brinker F (pg 62–64)
Tidbits from the Naturopath and Herald of Health by Sporn S (pg 65–66)
A day in the life by Girard-Couture C (pg 67–68)
List of books written by naturopathic doctors by Yarnell E (pg 71–72)
In the news: Update on integrated medicine at North Hawaii Community Hospital by Traub M (pg 75)